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Friday, October 2, 2015


This written task which is about Harper Lee`s novel "To Kill a Mockingbird". It is a letter from Miss Caroline Fischer to the principal of Scout`s school. Where Miss  Caroline has her in the first grade class,  in this letter she express her feelings about a problem she had with Burris Ewell and her general thoughts about the class.

I decided to write this because I wanted to show how a teacher in those years felt about the society. That`s why I decided to write a letter from her to the principal of the school because in that text type I can fully express her feelings.  This is very important because my purpose here was not complaining only about the class but implicitly to criticise the society which can be reflected on her first grade class. In this letter you may find a huge variety of problems that were very important issues for United States of America in the '30s, such as illiteracy, lack of manners, poverty and social inequality.

I wrote this in a formal language because it was a letter from a teacher to her boss, so she has to address him in a formal record, but also sometimes I had to use a little bit of informal language to fully express her anger and discontent.

Closing, I would like to add that my target audience is every teenager or adult who may be interested in this very metaphoric novel. Which is a very accurate representation of the problems that United States was suffering in the 1930's such as social inequality, poverty, racism, illiteracy and a lot of other more issues which made american society to be full of troubles.

283 words.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

TKaM Answers

Chapter 1:
1) From the Finch family I understood the reality of Maycomb and the type of people you could find there. Also the different social clases which you can find on those years in USA (Afro-American people, white trash, etc).

2)Radley place enchant the three of them, because of all the "urban leyends" about that place, like there lives a ghost, that he goes out on the night and kill people, etc.

Chapter 2:

1) Because she was very curious about how school is. Also, she was always unnoccupied and always spied Jem by a telescope to see what was happening in the school or what he was doing. It was basically because Scout was always at her house with nothing to do.

2) Yes, he feels ashamed because his little sister, Scout, would make him see as a loser if she starts following him and talking to him the whole day, thas why he asks Scout not to talk him during School.

Chapter 3:

1) I think that after this visit, Scout started respecting more the people she called "white trash" and also stoped discriminating people just because of their economical situation.

3) The differences between this two kids. Or this two families are basically the education, because if you look at he Cunningham Family they are poor but with some values and education but the Ewell´s are totally "white trash" with no values or education.

Chapter 4:
1) The children of Maycomb thought that Boo Radley was a type of beast, ghost who killed people and animals in the night. They were very afraid of him.

2) The Radley game consisted in making Boo Radley to leave the house, or at least to slap the house and see what happens. Also they used to represent some scenes about what they thought about Boo Radley's story

Chapter 5:

1) Miss Maudie is alaways highlighting the strenghts that Atticus has, she thinks Atticus has a very pragmatic attitude and she is always teaching things to the kids, maybe trying a little bit to supply the lack of a mother on Jem and Scout's life.

2) Atticus says this because he knew the real story and knew that he wasn't a gost, he was just a man with a lot of problems in his past, but he wasnt bad.

Chapter 6:

1) They wanted to look inside of one of the Radley windows to see if he was real or not,or if it was normal. Because they still tought that he was kind of a serial killer or something like that. Scout was against this because she was afraid that something could happen to Jem, because she was very afraid of Boo Radley.

Chapter 8:

1) you can see that miss Maudie shows a very positive attitude when her house burns, she says that that was very good beause she wanted a smaller house, she looks very resilient and strong.

2) In this chapter, the important thing that happens with Boo Radley is that when Scout is in the middle of the night in the street very cold, watching Miss Maudie's house burn, Boo Radley apears withoiut being noticed and puts a blanket on Scout´s shoulders and leaves. This shows us that he really was a caring and good person. Scout starts thinking that maybe he isn't that bad.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015 In this pictures, you can see the sad situation that the world in general, but even worst in USA was taking place in the 1930's after the Great Depression of the '29. When in the black thursday the prices of almost every company in america went down in Wall Street. Here you can see people making lines to get a bowl of soup, a coffee or a doughnut. You could even see children asking for food or for a job for their parents. In some very extreme cases you could see women selling their children in the black market because they couldn't afford their food or education.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Harper Lee's activity

She was born in April, 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama. Her father was a newspaper editor and a lawyer.
About the cultural and educational background, she studied in Alabama and after that studied laws for some years but she never finished a degree, also studied some English literature.

When she was younger, she had a lot of contact with racism against black people because her father was a lawyer and had to defend some Afro Americans in some cases, that made her develop a lot of social conscience and I strongly think that all of this situations that happened when she was little and all the discrimination that you could see in that years, made her think about this and finally wrote all that sad feelings which were kind of trapped in her head on the book. The result was " To Kill a Mockingbird".

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


This written task which is a Blog Entry, is related to my study of the mass media, specifically to the media manipulation.

 I decided to write a Blog entry because with this type of text I think that I can adress exactly the segment of people that I want. This segment includes teenagers and adults who are concerned about the things that happen all around the world. Being this a blog entry, I can freely express my opinion and reach a huge amount of people who may be interested in this topic.

In this publication about media manipulation I approached the topic by giving two examples. The  First one is about the Gaza strip conflict in Israel in which I talked about how the information get´s twisted depending in which country is being presented. While my second example was about an image taken in Egypt which it was being used to topple Nicolas Maduro´s government in Venezuela, trying to make the people think that the image was about two Venezuelan soldiers dragging someone by the floor.

Finally, I would like to add that in this Blog entry I used an authoritary voice trying to convince the people to inform themselves better and to make their own opinions by gathering information from different sources so they do not fall in this horrible mechanism called Media Manipulation

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Media Manipulation

Nowadays, manipulating the media is a very popular mechanism between governments and news channels. They twist the information for their convenience, in elections, or just to keep the people happy and on their sides. That`s why I encourage you to go a little further, inform yourself well and don`t let the government to make your opinion, look for other sources than your local news channel and make your own valid and objective opinion. 
A very representative example about this is what happened with The Gaza Strip Conflict in Israel in 2014. If you start watching news from different countries you are going to notice that depending on the relationship that each country has with Israel and the amount of Palestine population, the news channels of each country change some facts and focus in different things. 

For example, in Chile there is the biggest Palestine pupulation,
 outside The Gaza Strip and The West Bank. Of course that they are going to support their "country" and that`s perfect, so maybe here in Chile it`s politically better to blame Israel in the news instead of giving an objective opinion about the conflict, because doing that you are going to have a lot of people happy. The problem is when people who really don`t understand the conflict start fighting for a cause just because they heard something in the news.
  A situaton like this happened  in the first semester of 2014 when near twenty thousand people marched in the streets of Santiago against Israel, suggesting to cut relations with this country inmediately, calling Israel a criminal country just because they heard in the chilean news facts that made look Israel as an opressive country and guilty of everything. Because if you watched Chilean news you would have only heard when Israel attacked Palestine but not even one opportunity in which Israel was being attacked. But the thing is that if you look for information in some objective sources, you are going to see that in some days more than a hundred rockets were fired to Israel, that means that the information that most of the Chileans received wasn`t fair at all, it was being manipulated to make Israel look guilty. 

Another situation like this happened in Venezuela, when well known news channels started using an image taken in Egypt trying to topple Maduro´s government. In this image you could see two soldiers dragging a woman and kicking her.The thing is that this happened in Egypt, not in Venezuela, even the uniform of the soldiers that you could see in the picture was the egyptian one. But as most of the people believe everything they hear at the news, people from all around Venezuela and some parts of South America started talking about the brutality of the police in Nicolás Maduro´s government until some people who go a little further and do not believe in everything they watch in the news, noticed that these Venezuelan soldiers were really Egyptian soldiers and were able to bring down this Calumny.

Concluding, after this two cases I talked about, I would express my opinion about this horrible mechanism called Media Manipulation. I strongly believe that this shouldn´t be used by any country or institution because in addition to lying to your people, you may create serious misunderstandings like the ones I just mentioned. That´s why I encourage everyone to go further and stop believing in everything you hear, inform yourself and make your opinion taking information from several sources with different insights and doing this I assure you are not going to be manipulated again.