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Thursday, September 4, 2014


Is global warming the most significant enviromental problem facing us today?

As we all know global warming has become a big deal since the industrial revolution. This all started because when the industrial revolution took place the whole world started producing a lot of greenhouse gases . Sadly, this situation is getting worst and worst because of the huge industry that is getting bigger everyday and also because of the CO2 that is released to the atmosphere by the cars.

I think that global warming is the most significant enviromental problem facing us today because almost everything we do releases greenhouse gases which contributes to global warming. Also a lot of things we use that come in spray as deodorant, damages the atmosphere which lets the ultraviolet rays to reach the earth, something which also raises the temperature of our planet. So its very hard to fight against global warming beacuse everyday more and more greenhouse gases are being released.

Secondly, global warming makes a lot of problems, an example of them its a thing that may sound very stupid but it makes a chain reaction which may affect the whole world. According to Natural Resources Defense Council global warming raises the number of insects. So, with a raise in the number of insects the agriculture of the country starts having plague and production problems, with productions problems in the agriculture of the country, the economy in the country decreases, and if this happens in a huge country such as United States of America, the whole economy of the world decreases starting a world crisis. With a world crisis we wont be able to invest in new technology to stop contaminating the atmosphere and global warming will raise non-stop.

Another Problem that global warming brings according to another article by Natural Resources Defense Council, is dehydration of people. This has happened several times on the west coast of United States with the heat waves on summer, but if global warming doesnt stop raising this situation may occur in a lot of other places, having to spend money in treatments for them. But if this gets to an extreme situation you could die because  of dehydration.

Maybe as some people say, space junk can be more significant than global warming because as Paul Davis said in 2013 space junk may damage our satellites something which will make very difficult our world comunications. However, I still think that that global warming is more significant than other enviromental problems because it affect us more directly than others like space junk.

Finally, after all the arguments I gave in this essay I strongly think that global warming is the most significant enviromental problem facing us today because its very hard to fight it and it brings a lot of damage to our planet, the place where we live.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Draft of the essay

Is global warming the most significant enviromental problem facing us today?

As we all know global warming its a huge problem for us today, and it brings a lot of colateral effects with it, like dehydration of people and on plants, economically important to all the country.

If you think about this, maybe only global warming its not a big deal, but with all of the effects that produce in the agronomy and in the health of the people, this is the most singnificant enviromental problem that we are facing today.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Sample Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

An introduction to climate change, what it could mean to you and your family. By Natural Resources Defense Council.

Retrieved from:

This post, gives us a little introduction about the global warming and its impact on our planet and on people. First, the global warming brings a lot of Health and economical problems. Starting with the heat waves that you can find in the summer at the west coast, this heat waves may be controlled with air and shade, which will mean an extra cost for the people in hot areas. But the big problems start when you don`t have that money or you are in your Childhood or elderly years this may lead you to dehydration or other illnesses related to heat. Also, the heat it`s going to raise the number of insects, which will affect the agriculture of the country, which will affect the economy.

I think that this article is very good because it gives you an introduction to the this global warming topic and it kind of creates a little conscious in the readers. Also it encourages us to make change and stop this huge problem called global warming.

No more pause: Warming will be non-stop from  now on. By Michael Slezak 31 August 2014

Retrieved from:

This article talks basicly about that the global warming from now on, its going to raise and raise the temperature non-stop. It also explains us that the last years we haven't noticed much the global warming because of some Powerful winds over the pacific ocean burying the warm under the sea, but as we know this raise in the temperature is not going to be stoped because of the greenhouse gases.

My opinion about this is that we should take care of our enviroment and cut the release of greenhouse gases so we can stop global warming and all of its repercusions on earth.